Apocalypse (2021)

(Apocalypse - Stirring Change)
HD Horror, Sci-Fi, Action | 73 min

+ Info

  • Release Date: 11 dez, 2021
  • Director: Anthony Zhang
  • Writers: Ma Xi, Zhang Bowei
  • Produced by: Han Zhijie, Zhang Yu
  • Cast: John Do, Sookie Pan, Dong Han
  • Original Language: Chinese Cantonese
  • Subtitles:
    Portuguese (Brazil)
    Spanish (Latin America)


/// Durante o período da Dinastia Ming, meteoritos caíram do céu e a terra sofreu mutações. Depois que os aldeões inalaram o gás venenoso que se espalhou no ar, acabaram se transformando em zumbis, e toda a cidade se tornou perigosa. O filme conta a história de Zuo Lianshan, apesar do perigo, invade uma cidade perigosa varrida por zumbis para resgatar sua filha.

/// During the Ming Dynasty period, meteorites fell from the sky and the earth mutated. After the villagers inhaled the poisonous gas that spread in the air, they ended up turning into zombies, and the entire city became dangerous. The film tells the story of Zuo Lianshan, despite the danger, invades a dangerous city swept by zombies to rescue his daughter.




Apocalypse - Stirring Change | Trailer

Horror, Sci-Fi, Action
