Dragão do Deserto (2021)

(Dragon in the Desert)
HD Action, Comedy, Fantasy | 75 min

+ Info

  • Release Date: 30 maio, 2021
  • Director: Yanpeng Wang
  • Writers: Wen Xing, Xifeng Ruola
  • Produced by: Zhou Kang, David Hu
  • Cast: Xin Zer Tan, Yiyan Liu, Zhigang Wang
  • Original Language: Chinese Cantonese
  • Subtitles:
    Portuguese (Brazil)
    Spanish (Latin America)


/// No final da Dinastia Tang, Huangfu Dian, o ancião do Pavilhão Kunwu, sentiu que a tribo demoníaca estava destruindo as veias do dragão e levou seus discípulos a lutar contra o demônio da árvore de mil anos. Inesperadamente, a força do demônio aumentou muito depois de absorver um monstro. A fim de preservar sua força e reverter a crise, Li Yuanji e seus amigos conheceram Chu Linger e Xun Tu, e se envolveram na disputa com os demônios. Eles ficaram mais fortes enfrentando os demônios, mudaram a mentalidade mesquinha e, finalmente, fazem auto-sacrifício para salvar o povo, derrotar o diabo e se tornar um herói do deserto.

/// At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Huangfu Dian, the elder of Kunwu Pavilion, felt that the demon tribe was destroying the dragon veins, and led his disciples to fight against the thousand-year-old tree demon. Unexpectedly, the demon's strength greatly increased after absorbing a monster. In order to preserve his strength and reverse the crisis, a little man Li Yuanji and his friends met Chu Linger and Xun Tu and got involved in the contest with the demons. They gradually grew up in the process of confronting the demons, changing the mentality of a petty citizen, and finally making self-sacrifice to save the people, defeating the devil, and becoming desert heroes.




Dragon in the Desert | Trailer

Action, Comedy, Fantasy
