In the small town of Suiten, in a secluded mountainous region on the island of Kyushu, reality and the spirit world collide. Ghosts and paranormal occurrences appear in the real world, spreading through the city. Three high school boys, Taro, Makoto and Masayuki, both having had traumatic childhood experiences, follow the strange occurrences in Suiten. Together they investigate paranormal events, entering the spiritual world known as Kakuriyo. No human should be able to do so. Entry is granted to the three boys, who will discover that the key to their childhood traumas lies in the unseen world. The local Shinto priest and his daughter Miyako will also be involved in the events.
Original Title
Animation, Drama, Horror
Ryutaro Nakamura
Akiko Yajima, Jun Fukuyama, Kensho Ono, Sōichiro Hoshi