Years after Galaxy wars set off catastrophic disasters throughout the world and collapse of Moon, the mankind struggles to survive with the only idol to worship - Spaceball, mesmerizing game played between humans and aliens at the giant extraterrestrial ship hovering in the sky. Young man with enormous power of unknown nature joins the team of hot-headed superheroes in exchange for a cure of his mother’s deadly illness. The Four from the Earth will fight not only to defend the honor of their home planet in the spectacular game but to face the unprecedented threat to the Galaxy and embrace their own destiny.
Original Title
Vratar Galaktiki
Action, Sci-Fi, Sport
Dzhanik Fayziev
Viktoriya Agalakova, Georgiy Bestaev, Khristina Blokhina, Valeriya Bukhina, Wolfgang Cerny, Alexandra Cherkasova-Sluzhitel