Red Boy (2021)

(Journey to the West Red Boy)
HD Action, Comedy, Fantasy | 73 min

+ Info

  • Release Date: 20 set, 2021
  • Director: Xiong Chen
  • Writers: Youyou Liu
  • Produced by: Hongbo Yu
  • Cast: Ji Hao, Shiu Hung Hui, Ximen Piaopiao, Raquel
  • Original Language: Chinese
  • Subtitles:
    Portuguese (Brazil)
    Spanish (Latin America)


/// 500 anos atrás, o Rei Macaco causou um tumulto no Palácio Celestial e acidentalmente chutou a Fornalha dos Oito Trigramas, fazendo com que o Fogo Celestial caísse no mundo mortal. A fim de salvar os mortais, a Princesa Iron Fan fez o seu melhor para suprimir o Fogo Celestial. No entanto, o Red Boy em seu ventre foi erodido pelo fogo e se tornou um demônio. A fim de procurar um tesouro mundial para sua mãe, Red Boy foi instigado pelo Monstro Lobo Cinzento a capturar Tang Seng. Para isso, ele lutou com Monkey King. Inesperadamente, os dois caíram em uma Fornalha de Oito Trigramas montada pelo Monstro Lobo Cinzento. Acontece que os pais de Grey Wolf Monster perderam suas vidas quando ele era jovem devido ao Fogo Celestial. Assim, ele planejou se vingar contra Monkey King. No entanto, suas ações fizeram com que os mortais afundassem em outra crise de incêndios nas montanhas.

/// 500 years ago, Monkey King caused a ruckus in the Heavenly Palace and accidentally kicked the Eight Trigrams Furnace, causing the Heavenly Fire to fall into the mortal world. In order to save the mortals, Princess Iron Fan did her best to suppress the Heavenly Fire. However, the Red Boy in her womb then got eroded by the fire and became a devil. In order to search for a world treasure for his mother, Red Boy was instigated by the Gray Wolf Monster to go and capture Tang Seng. For this, he battled with Monkey King. Unexpectedly, the two of them fell into an Eight Trigrams Furnace set up by the Gray Wolf Monster. It turns out Gray Wolf Monster's parents lost their lives when he was young due to the Heavenly Fire. Thus, he plotted to revenge against Monkey King. However, his actions has caused the mortals to sink into another crisis of mountain fires.




Red Boy | Trailer

Action, Comedy, Fantasy
